What to do for health


If the body is good, if the mind is lively and fresh, the passion for work also increases. And if the mind is good, everything is good. Apart from that, everyone wants a healthy, beautiful and fit body. Living a healthy life can keep the mind healthy and the body beautiful and fit. Here are some health tips that you too can follow to live a good and stay healthy in life. 

Let’s know some rules to stay healthy:

Make a habit of waking up in the morning. Wake up every morning and walk for 30-40 minutes. Remember there is no better exercise than walking. It will refresh the mind and maintaining body. 

Develop regular and moderate eating habits, eating too little or too much is harmful to health. Increase fibre-rich foods (such as green vegetables and fruits) in your diet. Cut down on fatty foods. Stop eating fried and fast food completely.

Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily. Drink warm water mixed with lemon and honey at the beginning of the day. Drink water at least one to two hours after a meal rather than drinking too much during meals. 

Eat less red meat (cow, buffalo, goat meat), sweets, ghee, dalda. 

Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Instead of eating more at once, you can eat smaller amounts more often. Try to include two vegetables and one fruit at every meal. 

Eat raw vegetable salad with every meal. Eat only fresh green vegetables. Eat cooked food immediately, never eat stale food 

Avoid all fried and oily food from meals. Also eliminate high sugar foods like soft drinks, ice cream, candy and cookies from the diet.

Exercise according to the nature of your body. Those who have fat accumulation or dandruff can do regular and proper exercise. If possible, exercise at least 30 minutes a day in addition to walking and other exercises. 

Avoid excess tea and coffee and drink fresh fruit juice instead. Take care of your body regularly. Maintain body beauty. 

Should eat early at night. Make it a habit to go to bed two to three hours after eating less. 

Practice getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Regular and moderate sleep is essential for good health and figure. Break the habit of sleeping during the day and develop the habit of sleeping early at night. 

Wear loose clothing before going to bed at night. Health is the root of all happiness. Because you can’t be good at anything without a good body. Therefore, first of all, a being healthy body is needed.

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