About MedBlog18 A Health Website providing health blogs, ask online, health forum, health products, etc

Dr. Dipan Samanta
MBBS (Registered), FIFM (accredited to AFPI), MD (Gynecology and Obstetrics), Private Medical Practitioner
Founder CEO (MedBlog18 Writing Service)
FMGE Trainer (MedBlog18 FMGE)
Academic Paper Writing Consultant
Author of “Basics of Health Blogging” available on Flipkart, Amazon , Kindle, Google Books
Winner of “Business Mint Award 2023 Under 30 Inspiring and Rising Entrepreneurs“
Young Achiever Award for May-June 2022 (in the field of Research)
Editorial Member, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

This website is brain child of Dr. Dipan Samanta, MBBS. He did his MBBS from China and passed FMGE (Indian License Exam) successfully and now he is a registered physician in India. He also serves as an online medical consultant. Together with his writing skill and academic records in undergraduation, he is quite an accomplished writer of medical research/thesis papers, professionally. He loves to blog about health related topics. With an aim to serve the larger society, Dr. Dipan has launched his Online Healthcare portal back in January, 2019. Today, Dr. Dipan and his team have managed to introduce many new online health services in this website for the greater good of the society. We continuously add value to the website and in turn, Medblog18.com adds value to the global healthcare.

For Contacting us, refer to Contact Us section.

*All the Health Products are owned by Third Parties. Consult with them for any problem. We are just affiliates.

*For reporting Disputes or to contact us on Emergency basis, please email us directly at




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