Lower Your Cholesterol In Easy Steps


Cholesterol is a waxy substance that the body uses to make hormones and other important substances. It is found in eggs, meat, poultry and whole-milk dairy products. The cholesterol level in our blood is called blood cholesterol. If it is too high it may lead to heart disease and stroke. There is good and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is called HDL cholesterol bad cholesterol is called LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is good for the heart because it helps lower bad LDL cholesterol in the blood.

The level of cholesterol in our bloodstream is called “blood lipid levels”. High level leads to coronary disease and strokes if not managed well. 

There are different ways of lowering cholesterol levels. They are:

Foods to eat: 

There is no need to follow a low cholesterol diet to stay within the LDL cholesterol range. Here are a few foods that are used to lower cholesterol. 

Olive oil:  Loading with heart-healthy unsaturated fats, extra virgin olive oil has been to drop the bad LDL cholesterol levels to enhance the healthy heart.

Vegetables: Eating more vegetables is linked with lower LDL cholesterol levels in both men and women. Vegetables are one of the nutrients dense foods, they are rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre which support a healthy heart and low calories.

Nuts: They are rich in fibre and healthy fats. Studies showed that healthy nuts are associated with lower levels of total and LDL cholesterol.

Seeds: Nutritious seeds like flaxseeds have shown that they reduce the total and LDL cholesterol levels to keep the heart-healthy.

Turmeric: Turmeric contains a powerful component called curcumin. Studies have shown that turmeric can reduce the levels of total and LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Garlic: According to the review of 39 studies, consuming garlic regularly for at least two months can lower cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Sweet potatoes: This tasty tuber contains several health-promoting proteins and compounds that shown to decrease cholesterol levels.

Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants and catechins. Drinking green tea can reduce the total and LDL cholesterol.

Foods to avoid: 

1. Sugar and refined carbohydrates:  Adding sugar and refined carbohydrates from ultra-processed foods can throw off your cholesterol ratio by decreasing the good cholesterol level in the blood.

2. Alcohol: A glass of red wine per day actually be beneficial for a healthy heart. Heavy drinking can have adverse effects on cholesterol levels.

3. Caffeine: Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks may cause an increase in cholesterol levels. Limit coffee, tea to 1-2 cups daily.

4. Trans fats: Trans fats can increase LDL cholesterol and decrease HDL cholesterol and boost the risk of coronary heart diseases. It is found in processed foods and pre-packaged baked goods. It is best to cut these unhealthy fats out of the diet and minimize the intake of processed foods.


When it comes to reducing cholesterol levels, getting plenty of physical activity is essential for modification to the diet. Here are two types of exercises.

Aerobic exercise:

Aerobic exercise or cardio workouts are a form of exercise that helps to strengthen the heart and lungs. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise can lower cholesterol levels. Walking, running, cycling are just a few ways to get in your daily dose of cardio.

Resistance training:

 Resistance training is a form of physical activity that forces your muscles to contract, building up strength and endurance. Researches have shown that resistance training is beneficial effects on heart health and as well may decrease total and LDL cholesterol. Weight lifting and bodyweight exercises are some examples of resistance training. That can be included in the daily routine.

Therefore, lowering cholesterol means you need to do various works in combination. Most importantly, you need to do them strictly and for a long time. The motivation that drives you to carry out all the above-mentioned points is the greatest thing you need and at first.

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