Category: Uncategorized

Food list for healthy body

Food list for healthy body

Eating a variety of nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean proteins, can help your overall health.  Many food healthy diet are delicious. By filling your plate with fruits, vegetables, quality protein...

Food list for healthy body

Routine to keep the body healthy

Conscious people are always alert. They take various measures to keep the body healthy. They do everything from eating a healthy diet to exercising regularly. However, due to not eating right and exercising, the...

The Surprising Health Benefits of Walnuts

The Surprising Health Benefits of Walnuts

Like other nuts, walnuts have many health benefits. Walnuts are a type of dry fruit that is packed with nutrients. But many people do not know that walnuts contain some nutrients that keep the...

Best hospital in Vellore (CMC hospital)

Best hospital in Vellore (CMC hospital)

Vellore is a district city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. People from different parts of the country and abroad come here for treatment. There are many hospitals in this Vellore city, but...

CMC Hospital Costs

CMC Hospital Costs

To get good quality treatment at low cost, you should visit CMC Hospital in India. Currently Vellore CMC Hospital in India is providing treatment with highly reliable and modern equipment. CMC Hospital is a...

Benefits of Yoga Exercise Siddhasana

Benefits of Yoga Exercise Siddhasana

Siddhasana, also known as Perfect Pose or Perfect Pose, is a beginner level yoga asana. The name of the pose comes from two different meanings: siddha, meaning perfect or adept, and asana, meaning pose. ...

Benefits of Yoga Exercise Savasana

Benefits of Yoga Exercise Savasana

Shavasana is a very beneficial asana. In Sanskrit the word sava means corpse, while doing this asana one has to lie down like a dead person. “Savasana” is the posture of lying quietly with...

Benefits of Datura Tree

Benefits of Datura Tree

The benefits of Datura are many. It is a herbaceous perennial plant, found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. All its species are poisonous in nature. Some are also aphrodisiacs. The seeds...

Basak leaf properties

Basak leaf properties

Basak leaves are very good for shortness of breath or asthma. If you eat it regularly every day, you will get many benefits from summer till the sudden drop in temperature. After Kali Puja,...

What to do to save from Ebola virus

What to do to save from Ebola virus

The disease is native to Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The disease first became an epidemic in the tropics of sub-Saharan Africa. From 1976 to 2013, fewer than 1,000 people were infected...

How to avoid Marburg virus

How to avoid Marburg virus

Marburg virus has killed five people in the northwest of the East African country of Tanzania. Related to the highly contagious virus Ebola.  The virus has killed hundreds of people in various African countries...