Top 5 Free Hand Exercises


Are you spending long hours in the gym using complex workout machines to become healthier and fitter? If yes, then there is no need for you to struggle like this. Many simple routines can be done without the need for a gym and still get a chiseled body. A free-hand exercise routine is one such regimen where you get all the benefits without getting injured or feeling burned out.  So, what is a free-hand exercise? It is an exercise that uses the individual’s muscular effort without using any external force, assistance, or resistance.

Most people think that free weight exercises are similar to freehand exercises. But they are not the same; in a free weight exercise, a barbell, a dumbbell, or any other weight of that sort is used to perform exercises. However, in a freehand exercise, the bodyweight is used. Therefore, it utilizes as many muscle groups as possible while simultaneously increasing the heart rate.


It is a type of exercise that burns calories, tones muscles, and also strengthens the heart and lungs. Add hills or wind sprints to get better results and alternate with high and low-intensity workouts. When making wind sprints, do it as fast as you can before starting the next sprint. 


This is an essential freehand exercise that works on the shoulders, biceps, triceps, and pecs. They also act as a great warm-up, exercise for hand fat, and for moving on to other difficult routines. There are many variations of this, and the most basic one is to remain parallel to the ground in an elevated position with the palms and chest in line. From this position, go down until the chin touches the floor and slowly push yourself back up to the start.


These are strengthening exercises for the butt, hips, and thighs. They are great at improving the flexibility of the lower body. To do this free-hand exercise at home, stand tall, hinge your hips backward, bend your knees, and lower the body as if you are sitting on an invisible low chair. Do it as slowly as possible for the best results. 


It is a great free-hand exercise to lose weight and quickly brings the heart rate up. It can be done with a jump rope or by swinging the arms in a rotary motion while jumping up and down. It is also a good arms workout for those who want to reduce flabby arms. 


Ab crunches help to burn fat in the lower body and also build the abs muscle. To do this exercise, lay on the floor on your back in a sleeping position. Crunches help to lower the fat percentage of your body. It is also beneficial for making your abs muscles. Bend your legs at the knees, place your hands at the back of your head and lift yourself up. The back and the legs should be fixed while you pull your head and reach the abs. 

Best Practises for Free Hand Exercises

  • When people start something new, they tend to push themselves too far and risk injury. So, to safely navigate through the free hand workouts, here are some best practices. 
  • Get the body ready by warming up properly before exercise. By doing that, your body temperature rises, making the body ready to handle the stress of exercise. 
  • Do not exercise when you are ill or feeling tired. Working out during illness can make you sicker and also increase the risk of injury. 
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water. This prevents dehydration and heat exhaustion. Drink water 15 minutes before exercise, during and after exercise too. 
  • While exercising, ensure that you use your lungs and breathe. Do not hold your breath, as it can build up pressure in the thoracic region and inhibit the blood flow to the heart.
  • Schedule rest days in between exercises, whether you work at home or at the gym, as that can help reduce the soreness in the muscles. Also, take a rest during the exercise when you feel tired, in pain, or exhausted.

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Mita Ghosh
Author: Mita Ghosh

Views: 24