Why do headache occurs every day


Suffering from a headache at the same time every day is not only inconvenient but also bone-wearyingly painful. Those who are suffering will know how their mental state, movement, and everyday activity levels affect them. Headache is a common disorder in the nervous system. This is the most common reason patients seek medical attention. This is the life of some persons who endure the fate of chronic headaches.

Chronic daily headache

A chronic headache is a headache that may occur for fifteen or more days per month for longer than three months. A CDH can be thought of as a Chronic form of a primary headache disorder or disorder on its own. There are five types of chronic daily headaches. They are:

  1. Chronic migraine headache

People suffering from chronic migraine headaches commonly experience pain in only one side of the head and are accompanied by an extreme sensitivity to certain stimuli like light, smells, and sound. But so is nausea, so they have to remain in a dark room in order to be even mildly comfortable. Treatment for this generally includes triptan and ergot medicines.

  1. Chronic tension-type headache

The most common type of headache is tension headache these are described as a pressing or tightening pain. You may experience sensitivity to light and sound but nausea is less. This occurs for 15 or more days per month for more than 3 months. The headache may be continuous or can come and go for hours or days. Those who suffer from tension headaches may not contact the doctor and often use painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin. Constant tension headaches may lead to an underlying medical condition.

  1. Hemicrania continua

Hemicrania is a painful, one-sided headache that occurs all the time on a daily basis without relief. It may have one automatic symptom like nasal discharge, tearing of the eye, or miosis. This type of headache is responsive to indomethacin.

  1. New daily persistent headache

The new persistent headache is a headache that occurs daily and has been present for more than 3 months. Occurring on both sides of the head, it can be described as having a brand around the head that is tightened, causing modest pain. Those who experience persistent headaches every day will report light/ sound sensitivity or mild nausea.

  1. Medication overuse headache

A medication overuse headache known as rebound headache occurs after the regular use of headache medication for 3 months or more months- like indomethacin for hemicrania and triptan for migraines. 

The clinical condition which causes headaches every day is called vestibular migraine. It may cause symptoms like vomiting, nausea, weakness, and susceptibility to motion sickness. Factors that provoke the attack of vestibular migraine can be under the sun, including the Sun. Some factors are: 

1. Stress

2. Lack of sleep

3. Menstruation

4. Dehydration

5. Certain foods.

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Mita Ghosh
Author: Mita Ghosh

Visits: 21

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