Properties of the herb Tulsi


There is no one in the world who does not know about the properties of Tulsi leaves. According to experts, chew one Tulsi leaf daily to stay healthy. In the balcony of the house, where light and air flow, you can plant beneficial basil. Tulsi leaves are a great medicine for colds and coughs in people of all ages, from children. If a child has a cold and cough, half a teaspoon of honey mixed with the juice of tulsi leaves will reduce the cough. If phlegm settles in the chest, boil a glass of water in the morning with tulsi leaves, ginger and tea leaves mixed with honey and lemon and drink it, you will get relief. Apart from this, Tulsi tea is very effective in reducing headaches. Boiling tulsi leaves and gargling relieves sore throat.

The properties of Tulsi leaves are:

Enhances skin beauty

Tulsi leaves can also be used for skin care. Vitamin C, phytonutrients and essential oils present in basil leaves act as excellent antioxidants, which help reduce the signs of aging. Tulsi leaves are pounded and applied all over the face to make the skin beautiful and smooth.

Good for the eyes

The anti-inflammatory properties present in Tulsi helps to eliminate all the problems of eye itchiness, conjunctivitis, itchiness. Rich in nutrients, tulsi leaves help to improve vision and ward off eye diseases like cataracts and glaucoma.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Consume tulsi leaves daily before meals to lower blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of tulsi leaves lowers blood sugar levels. Along with that, the performance of insulin also increases. As a result, there is no danger of increasing the sugar level in the body.

Reduces cough

Tulsi-honey is an excellent home remedy to relieve cough. It works to reduce respiratory problems. Tulsi and honey contain antiseptic properties. It soothes the skin and reduces allergies.

Eliminates skin infections

Tulsi has antibiotic properties which help to eliminate various skin infections. With the help of this, bacteria like coli or Arthritis can be easily resolved on the skin.

White cures diseases

By eating Tulsi leaves daily, problems like white disease go away easily. Not only this, it also cures diseases like eczema very well. A variety of scientific tests have proven that the antioxidants in tulsi leaves fight eczema remarkably well.

Reduces hair loss

Tulsi leaves strengthen hair roots and fight against various hair problems. Tulsi leaves strengthen hair roots and eliminate problems like hair fall. The main reason for this is the anti-microbial content in Tulsi leaves.

Eliminates the problem of dry hair

Soak a few tulsi leaves in a pot of water and keep it overnight. Then mix it with amalki powder and apply it on the hair well from the roots. Get up in the morning and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. By this process, the problem of dry hair will be removed very easily.

Kills germs

Tulsi leaves boiled in hot water and gargled in the water kills the pathogens in the mouth and throat, removes mucus and removes bad breath.

Reduces sore throat

Trust Tulsi leaves if you are suffering from sore throat. Because to remove this problem, Tulsi leaves judi mela var. Tulsi leaves are also very useful in reducing respiratory problems. Boiling a few tulsi leaves and gargling with that water cures sore throat quickly.

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