What are the remedies for dengue disease


Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne virus-caused disease. The disease is caused by mosquito bites. In most cases, the patient who is infected with dengue for the first time does not show any special symptoms or signs. Only in few cases is the effect of the disease profound.

Symptoms of dengue fever usually appear within three to fifteen days of transmission of the virus through the bite of an Aedes mosquito. But in some cases the disease can take severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding, decreased blood platelet levels, and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome.

Ways to avoid dengue

Liquid food should be taken

Complete rest should be done when suffering from dengue fever. A lot of liquid food should be taken. Drink canned water, lemon juice, fruit juice and food saline every now and then to boost your immune system.

Take paracetamol

Paracetamol can be taken in case of dengue fever. An adult of normal weight can take a maximum of eight paracetamol per day. But if a person has liver, heart and kidney-related complications, then a doctor must be consulted before consuming paracetamol. Aspirin, Clofenac, Ibuprofen-like medicines should not be taken for body pain when suffering from dengue fever. Taking such medicines during dengue can cause bleeding.

Drink plenty of water

If you are infected with dengue, you should drink plenty of water along with liquid food.Because drinking water will maintain the effect of water on the body, so if the water content in the body is high, headache and muscle pain will be reduced.

Eat foods containing platelets

Dengue patients have decreased platelets. So eat foods that increase platelets. Such as citrus fruits, peanuts, yogurt, sunflower seeds, green tea, capsicum, broccoli, spinach, ginger, garlic and turmeric. Guava syrup, rich in vitamin C, this drink will stimulate the immune system and alleviate dengue infection.

Foods rich in vitamin C should be eaten

Dengue patients need plenty of vitamin C found in vegetables, zinc found in beans and nuts, iron found in meat, beans, oatmeal, papaya, canned water, vitamin E, vitamin K, folate and potassium rich foods. It will increase immunity.

Avoid mosquito bites

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease. So save yourself and your family from mosquito bites. Do not allow water to accumulate around the house. Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes. It is possible to control the number of mosquitoes without allowing water to stagnate. Sleep with a mosquito net while sleeping at night.

Do not allow water to accumulate around the house

Inspect areas for waterlogging at least once a week. And throw away the accumulated water from plant tubs, flower pots, worn car tires. Wear clothing that covers the body such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks and shoes.

Use mosquito repellent chemicals

Mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus are most active from dawn to dusk. Be extra careful this time. Use mosquito nets while sleeping at night. Use mosquito repellent chemicals such as permethrin. City dwellers should be alert and aware at this time.

Be careful not to panic

If you have dengue, you should not panic and be careful. Knowing some warning signs will help you be alert. If any serious symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. No medicine can be taken on its own. Because wrong medicine can cause health disasters.

Keep clean around the house

Spray or fog unused areas around the house at least three times a week to repel mosquitoes. You can keep mosquito repellent cream with you while going out.

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