Top 5 Reasons Why Frying With Palm Oil Is Healthier


Coronavirus outbreak is infecting the world today. Like it or not, everyone in advance must be more aware of health care. You must start guarding your ways of life and food that you’re consuming, including the way you fry food.

We certainly agree that the activity of processing food in oil with a temperature of around 12°C for a few minutes is called frying. Usually, when you fry, what oil do you use?

Edible vegetable oil comes from palm oil. The composition of fatty acids in palm kernel oil is similar to coconut oil, both of which are known as lauric oils. However, palm oil is considered healthier because it contains high energy, vitamin A, and UFA.

Palm oil is good for the body even for frying various types of dishes. In this article, we bring info for you. It turns out there are at least three reasons why frying using palm oil is more healthy.

1. More Stable and Resistant to Oxidation

Palm oil has a high smoke point. The smoke point is the point or temperature when oil can oxidize and produce smoke or new compounds that are toxic or carcinogenic. The smoke point from palm oil is higher than butter, margarine, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, and coconut oil.

Well, the higher the smoke point, the more resistant this palm oil is to oxidation and the emergence of toxic compounds. This point is not just a theory, but it’s been tested.

2. Minimizing the Appearance of Cancer-causing Compounds

Acrylamide compounds are cancer-triggering compounds that are usually produced after frying with high temperatures. The acrylamide compounds which are also part of the carcinogenic compounds in palm oil are the lowest compared to other oils.

The lower the content of this compound, the smaller the potential for cancer. With this, it is clear that palm oil is more healthy.

3. Not Easy Rancid and More Durable

Not only the relationship of a pair of true love can last, palm oil as well. The stability of compounds in palm oil makes it not easy to rancid and more durable. Palm oil also has carotenoids and omega, which are good for maintaining a healthy heart and skin. Wow! Sure, there are many benefits to palm oil.

4. Boost Immunity

The body that has endurance will undoubtedly be immune to various diseases. But what happens if the immune system is long? Well, the benefits of palm oil are to increase endurance.

Your body will be immune to the disease where the contents of vitamins A, D, and E are substances that are collected in increasing your body’s endurance. It’s good for those who are sick with the flu.

Related to the Covid-19 epidemic, many people are looking for ways to improve the immune system today, and thank God there is palm oil as one solution.

5. As An Energy Source

In addition to getting from staple foods such as rice, corn, or tubers, energy can also be obtained from fat reserves in the body. Now, this palm oil has a good fat content that is needed by the body as a source of backup energy.

Besides, palm oil also has a high content of beta carotene, while the benefits of palm oil with beta carotene content is to maintain the balance of hormones in the body.

Now you know better, why foods that are processed with palm oil are healthier. Please take care of yourself and avoid going to hospital except if your sickness is really severe.

Therefore, from now on, you should switch to using palm oil for frying. Hopefully, you can be healthier after this.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

Twitter: @breadnbeyond


LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro

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