Healthy lunches and snacks for work


A variety of bread selections:

choose valley bread, pita, mini bagels, tortillas, small dinner rolls, English muffins, flatbreads, or eggs. Check the label and make sure it contains at least 2g of fibre per dose. Try a variety of spreads including mustard, salsa, hummus, chachi ki, and mayonnaise. Imagine the delicious combinations! 

Various combinations of ingredients:

egg salad with peanut butter and chopped apples, egg salad with arugula, barbecued tofu with lettuce and tomato, grilled teriyaki sauce with avocado, tomato and lettuce Leftover food for those with hummus and carrots, refrigerated salsa, grated cheese, or wraps. Choose meats that are less processed as they can have higher nitrate content. Instead, use leftover meat from dinner, canned tuna or salmon, soy spread, egg filling, etc.

The leftover food is perfect for a quick and cheap lunch. Here are 5 delicious lunch ideas to make with leftover food. 


Try a sweet chilli tofu stir-fry filled with colourful vegetables. Soup: Warm vegetable-based soups are a great way to enjoy more vegetables at lunch! Mix and dip the baked grain pita and hummus. Salad: A simple and rich chicken and vegetable salad made from grilled chicken and high in protein. Enjoy with a whole grain baguette. 


Serve chilli with cheddar cheese and small keg dinner rolls to go with a fluffy lunch. 


Freeze portions of Spinach and Mushroom Vegetarian Lasagna for a quick lunch. So easy! 

Tuna pouches:

Vacuum-packed tuna pouches do not require drying and are a convenient snack to eat during storage or work. Tuna is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These are known to fight inflammation and can reduce your risk of heart disease. 


Jerk is a shelf-stable, high-protein snack. One ounce (28g) of jerk contains 8g of protein, which is equivalent to 116 calories. It’s also rich in iron, an important mineral for maintaining blood health and energy levels. Look for jerseys that are raw, low in sodium, and have fewer ingredients. If you don’t eat red meat, you can also have jerk turkey, chicken, or salmon.


Edamame are immature soybeans that can be steamed, boiled or dried. Contains high quality vegetable protein. In fact, consuming soy protein can help control your appetite and improve your body composition. Soybeans also contain plant compounds called isoflavones. It can improve bone health and cognitive function, and reduce the risk of certain cancers. 


Popcorn is a nutritious food that is high in fibre and low in calories. 2 cups (16 grams) of air-popped popcorn contains 62 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fibre. It also contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease. 

Cheese and Fruit:

Cheese and fruit make the perfect healthy snack while you work out. It is low in calories but full of nutrients. 1/2 cup (110 grams) of low-fat cottage cheese contains only 90 calories, 12 grams of protein and 9 DV of calcium. You can also bring pre-shredded cheese to work and top it with chopped berries or other fruit.

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