IBS and Exercise: Finding Movement That Works for Your Gut


Enjoy a little avocado. If you have IBS, exercising regularly is one of the best ways to manage your symptoms. But not all exercise is good for your gut. IBS symptoms can make exercise more difficult, so here are some tips to get the most out of your workout sessions . We’ve outlined the best and worst exercises. 

Hello, I’m Anna Mapson, a Registered Nutritional Therapist. As part of her work at Goodness Me Nutrition, help people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome develop a plan to relieve symptoms and improve their gut health.

Let’s talk about how to manage your symptoms and start feeling better today. 

Exercise is a great way to manage IBS symptoms because it helps improve your overall health and sense of well-being. That’s the important part. 

Regular exercise: 

Helps eliminate gas during exercise 

Reduces stress and anxiety 

Helps with weight loss 

Fights inflammation 

Improves sleep 

Reduces constipation Relieve 

Build Muscles 

Increase Mental Resilience 

There’s no doubt that exercise helps with IBS, but if you have symptoms or flare-ups during or after exercise, here’s how to help there. Use these tips to avoid cramps, pain, and diarrhea during and after exercise. 

Best types of exercise for IBS: 

At the end of the day, the best exercise is the one you enjoy consistently. Aim to move your body for 30 minutes a day in any way you can. Here are some tips. Here are the types of exercise that are best for IBS and why. 

Walking is great for her irritable bowel syndrome. Gently moving it up and down in your stomach moves food through your body and facilitates bowel movements. Walking helps release gas and relieves swelling. 

Walking is a free, low-impact sport, making it suitable for people with knee and joint pain. 

Being outside and getting some sunlight has a positive effect on your circadian rhythm.

One study found that increasing her daily step count from 4,000 to 9,500 could reduce the severity of her symptoms by 50%. 

Yoga helps the gut-brain connection: 

Some research has linked yoga to improved digestive health. This may be due to the enhanced relaxation, breathing focus, and muscle-building elements of yoga. Yoga is effective for irritable bowel syndrome. Stretching your core muscles can help with irritable bowel syndrome and release trapped gas. This is especially true in situations where your butt is in the air. 

Relaxation and breathing reduce stress. 

Twists are especially beneficial for digestion because they move the muscles in your intestines and create space. 


Being in the water is a gentle, low-impact form of exercise, perfect for hot, stuffy weather. The pool is also convenient for those who are worried about the toilet being far away. 

Swimming is a great all-round exercise as it works the whole body 

Being in the water can relieve body aches 

Many people find swimming relaxing and don’t constantly check their phones. If it does not stop, notifications will be blocked for the next 30 minutes. 

Cycling is effective for irritable bowel syndrome. 

You can vary the intensity of your cycling. Helps improve muscle strength and fitness. 

If you have IBS, getting outside and getting some fresh air may help improve your sleep. When he increased his exercise to 3 to 5 hours every two weeks, 54 people experienced clinically significant improvement in their symptoms. 

Managing symptoms to some extent through physical activity can also help many IBS patients. If you don’t feel like you’re making any changes after changing your diet, you may want to try a different approach.

Worst Exercises for IBS: 

If you have IBS symptoms, you may have noticed that some of your favorite exercises are no longer enjoyable. Here are some exercises that may not be as good for IBS. 

Running – causes frequent diarrhea. Learn more about my tips for running better with IBS here. 

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) – This draws blood from your intestines, which can cause cramps, bloating and pain.

Endurance training such as marathon running. 

How to Start Exercising with IBS: 

Whether you’ve struggled with digestive problems for years or you’ve recently discovered that your stomach has a mind of its own, learn how you can help you manage your IBS, leading to Will help you avoid panicking about irritable bowel syndrome. Toilets and embarrassing gas nearby. 

Through years of training and clinical experience, Developed Gut Reset to help people resolve digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and IBS flare-ups. 

Find out why your gut is overreacting and work together to find a solution. 

The good news is that there are many ways that food can help put the brakes on the unwanted symptoms of IBS, so you can get lasting symptom relief without a restrictive diet.

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