Ways to maintain good mental health


Good health means being healthy from both mental and physical aspects. It is seen in many cases, even if the body is fine, mental health is not given importance at all. Paying attention to mental health is very important to carry on our daily life properly. You can refresh your mind by pushing away all mental problems by making a few changes in your lifestyle. Below are some ways you can take care of your mental health

Eat nutritions food regularlyYou should eat nutritious and balanced food regularly. Because it contains a lot of nutrients that are very important for your body. Include more fruits and vegetables in the food list. Eat more brain-stimulating foods, especially nuts or spinach.

Use of mobile phones should be reducedNowadays, people have mobile phones or other distraction devices. Avoid using devices as much as possible to maintain good mental health. Because these devices can harm your body and make your mental health worse as well. Therefore, one hour before going to sleep at night, the use of devices including mobile phones should be stopped. Devices should be avoided as much as possible, even during the day.

Exercise regularlyIt is important to be physically healthy to be mentally healthy. Exercise regularly to keep your body active. Exercising releases happiness hormones. As a result, both your body and mind will be good. Practice regular exercise to feel lighter mentally or to keep your mind good. Also walk for at least 30 minutes every day.

Get enough sleep If you don’t get enough sleep every day, different parts of the brain cannot function properly. It is normal to feel frustrated and anxious as a result. So, to keep your mind healthy, you should get enough sleep every day. If you sleep well, your mind and body will be good.

Alcohol & smoking should be stopped Many people get depressed and become addicted to smoking and drugs. But know that they do not relieve depression but have harmful effects on the body and mind. Excessive drinking for a long time can lead to thiamine deficiency in the body. This causes your body to stop providing energy. Thiamine is very important for brain function. Its deficiency can lead to memory lapses, lack of attention, confusion and eye problems. And if you smoke, the nicotine in it damages both the body and the brain. You may become more irritable and anxious if you stop smoking later. So avoid drinking and smoking from now on.

Keep worries Away Everyone has stress in their life. So don’t worry too much about it. To solve this problem you need to know how you handle stress. If you can’t then you will become mentally ill. For this make a list of some problems of daily life. Then find a way to solve it. Don’t indulge in unnecessary illusions. When you find yourself having trouble sleeping, it means you’re worrying more!

Apply Sunlight Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for the body and brain. It removes harmful substances from the brain. As a result, mood improves. Because the production of endorphins and serotonin increases. But keep the skin and eyes safe when going in the sun. Get at least half an hour to 2 hours of sunlight every day. Many people get depressed during winter. Because then the sun is less visible. This is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). So get enough sunlight, it will improve mental health.

Build good relationship with people around You Try to maintain good relations with others. Talk to people whenever you get the chance. This will refresh your brain and keep you stress free. Studies have shown that just 10 minutes of talking to others can improve memory and test scores! So try to socialise and mingle with people.

Give yourself time Working and thinking aimlessly is very harmful for the body. Instead of living a messy life, try to tidy yourself up. It is very important that we keep our aim fixed and make good use of time, employ manpower in worthy work. Take a little more time and slowly understand whether your skills are improving or not. If not then you need to give yourself more

Focus on your Likes Think about things you like. It will help you to get rid of mental anxiety. We all have our hobbies. Most of the time we have no control over what happens to us. There is a deep connection between hobbies and feelings. We have a certain and desirable degree of control over ourselves. So give importance to hobby or favourite work.

Finally be good yourself and advise others to be good. It will maintain your mental and physical peace.

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