Stroke-Proofing Your Home: Safety Tips for a Lower Risk Environment


After suffering a stroke, you will want to get back to your normal life. However, you may feel anxious until you return home from the hospital. 

A stroke can change many things in your life. Some of these changes are short-term, while others are long-term or permanent. If your doctor allows you to go home, there are some things you can do to stay safe and healthy while adjusting. Preparation takes time. He will probably make the most progress in the first 3-4 months, but recovery may take him 1-2 years. 

Plan to gradually return to daily life. You will probably have less energy than you did before the stroke, at least for a while. You may have difficulty getting dressed, walking, and talking. You may also notice that it takes more effort to remember and concentrate. 

Stroke can also cause psychological damage. You may feel overwhelmed, stressed, angry, or sad. Although this is normal, it can be debilitating. 

You have to wait in line to get help. Ask family, friends, and community members to help around the house. If you are having trouble with daily living and don’t have a caregiver (such as a healthy spouse), talk to your health care team for help.

Prioritize your health: 

If you’ve had a stroke, you’re more likely to have another stroke. But there are some things you can do to reduce that risk and improve your overall health. 

Eating well is important. Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy vegetable oils (such as olive oil) are wise choices. Keep an eye on your intake of saturated fats, fried foods and sugar. Your doctor may also recommend light exercise. Ask what is safe for you. 

If your doctor recommends medication to help you recover or reduce the chance of having another stroke, take it as directed. This may include medications to control high blood pressure, prevent blood clots, and remove fatty deposits called plaque from the arteries. Tell your health care team if you have any side effects that worry you. However, do not change the dosage or stop the medication without consulting your doctor. 

Stay safe: 

Falls are common after a stroke and can be dangerous. If you fall and have pain, bruising, bleeding, or feel unwell, call 911 or go to the emergency room right away. 

Ask your spouse, caregiver, or other person. 

Make sure there is a clear and clean path to where you need to go, such as bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. 

Install handrails and other safety devices (elevated toilet seats, bathtub stands, etc.) as needed. Make sure all rugs are secured with non-stick tape or picked up. 

Place a non-slip mat or strip inside the bathtub. 

Please wear non-slip shoes indoors and be careful not to panic. Walking slowly and carefully can help prevent falls and other injuries.

Work with experts: 

Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you’re alone. As you recover, you will be able to work with people who can help you. 

A speech pathologist or speech therapist can help improve communication and memory skills. Speech-language pathologists also assist with feeding and swallowing. 

A physical therapist can help you strengthen your muscles, restore your balance, and walk safely. 

Occupational therapists can help you change your home (and work) environment and teach you new ways to do everyday things like eating and cleaning. 

Talk to others: 

Recovering from a stroke can be slow and frustrating. Talking to your medical team or a mental health professional (psychologist or counselor) can help you deal with your feelings. Joining a stroke support group is also a great way to get tips and learn new methods. 

Talk to your friends and family about your feelings. If you’ve never had a stroke, they won’t understand what you’re going through unless you talk about it. 

Medications to take after a stroke: 

Once you have a stroke, your chances of having another stroke are about 25 to 35%. Doctors use medicines to reduce the chances. 

They will want to make sure your high blood pressure is under control. You may also need to start or continue taking blood thinners or take medications to treat underlying heart problems. 

The exact combination of medications depends on the type of stroke.

Ischemic strokes are caused by blood clots in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. 

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures, causing bleeding into the brain. 

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is not a stroke, but it is a warning that a stroke may occur later. TIAs do not last as long as ischemic strokes and resolve on their own. 

Blood pressure medications: 

High blood pressure, also known as high blood pressure, is the leading cause of both types of stroke. Therefore, medication is definitely required to lower the readings. Common treatments are carried out in a variety of ways. 

Diuretics, also known as water pills, help eliminate excess salt and water from the body. It may also be used in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. Diuretics can lower potassium levels, causing weakness, leg cramps, and fatigue. Eating lots of potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, spinach, and sweet potatoes) may help prevent these symptoms. If needed, your doctor may also recommend potassium supplements. 


If you have had an ischemic stroke, you should always take medications to prevent future blood clots. 

Surprisingly, these types of drugs may also be given if you have had a hemorrhagic stroke. It may be recommended by your doctor to prevent ischemic stroke and blood clots in the lungs. Your doctor will evaluate you individually for the possibility of blood clots or bleeding. 

Anticoagulants help prevent blood from clotting. They make it difficult for blood clots to form or slow their growth. Warfarin and heparin are common examples. There are also drugs called direct oral anticoagulants, such as apixaban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradexa), edoxaban (Savasa), and rivaroxaban (Xarelto). Anticoagulants are aggressive drugs. It is usually taken if there is a high possibility of a stroke or if you have an irregular heartbeat condition called atrial fibrillation (AFib).

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