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  • Mita Ghosh


Top 10 OTC drugs to keep at home

There are many over-the-counter (OTC) medications available without a prescription, which are used to treat the symptoms of many illnesses that don’t usually require the...

 How to take care of a newborn baby

Caring for a newborn is exhausting and challenging, but it is also one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of your life. Tips to...

How to take care of your skin during winter season

The first change is when winter comes, and you notice changes in your skin. Dry, rough, and itchy skin accompanies this season. Your skin is...

Pubertal changes parents should monitor  

Having a series of open and relaxed conversations before the physical changes of puberty start will help your child feel OK when their body starts...

Role of Vit D in Immunity

A large body of scientific evidence shows that vitamin D impacts the immune system and helps support systemic health. Vitamin D functions as an immune...

These are the mistakes while wearing a mask

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), now recommends wearing a mask in public, but simply wearing it does not mean you are protected or protecting...

How to prevent infertility

In vitro fertilization(IVF) fertilization in the outside of the human body or in the laboratory. It is the major treatment for various problems like endometriosis,...

How to protect yourself from COVID-19

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 resulted in the outbreak of respiratory illness known as Covid-19. There are ways to prevent yourself from...

How To Teach Your Child To Walk

Exercise is essentially important to the health of an infant. A baby’s first exercise, of course, will be his or her jerking and wiggling motions...

Transmission of HIV

Most people who get HIV get it through sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment (for example, cookers). But there are powerful tools that...

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