Health Benefits Of Oysters And Nutrition


Oysters are a type of saltwater animal that live in the sea and salt water. They are important components of the ecosystem, filtering pollutants from the water and providing habitat for other marine life. 

Depending on the type of oyster, it can be eaten cooked or raw. Apart from their aphrodisiac properties, these mollusks have many health benefits that can help improve your sex drive. 

What nutrients do oysters contain and are they good for health? 

Oyster nutritional information

Vitamin D: 80% of RDI 

Vitamin B1: 7% RDI 

Vitamin B3: 7% RDI 

Vitamin B12: 324% RDI 

Zinc: 605% RDI 

Copper: 223% RDI 

Selenium: 91% RDI 

Iron: 38% of RDI 

Manganese: 37% RDI 

Phosphorus: 18% RDI 

Magnesium: 4%   

Oysters are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the body’s antioxidant function. 

The oysters you eat are saltwater oysters, which contain most of the essential dietary nutrients. Check out the next section to learn about the benefits of oyster shells you should know about. 

Health benefits of oysters

Can help you lose weight:

The protein found in oysters can help you lose or manage weight. According to one study, a high-protein diet may promote satiety, reduce energy intake and aid weight loss. This function is mainly due to its two hormones: cholecystokinin (CCK) and ghrelin. Ghrelin, released from the stomach wall, causes hunger and its levels decrease after a meal. Similarly, CCK is produced in the upper small intestine after a meal, especially when protein-rich foods are eaten. This reduces ghrelin levels and increases CCK levels which signals the brain that enough food has been eaten, giving the feeling of fullness. 

May help manage blood sugar levels:

As mentioned earlier, protein-rich foods can help improve satiety and reduce energy intake. It helps manage blood sugar levels. Additionally, high-protein diets have been shown to reduce haemoglobin A1c levels, a compound linked to blood sugar levels, in patients with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, these subjects also experienced weight loss and lower blood pressure after following this diet for six months. However, further research is needed in this regard. 

May Help Increase Antioxidant Levels:

Oysters contain a special antioxidant called 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methyl propyl alcohol. This phenolic compound may help reduce oxidative stress from the cellular level. However, research on the effects of DHMBA is still in its early stages. However, evidence so far suggests that it may help prevent cell death caused by oxidative stress.

Additionally, another study based on oyster farming suggests that DHMBA may also be useful in the prevention and treatment of liver disease.

The risk of heart disease may be reduced:

Omega-3 fatty acids found in oysters may help reduce blood triglyceride levels. In fact, the FDA has approved two omega-3 fatty acid prescription drugs that lower triglyceride levels. In addition to increasing HDL levels, studies have shown that eating oysters can also help reduce cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. This improved lipid profile reduces the risk of heart disease. 

May improve sex drive and treat male dysfunction:

Raw oysters are believed to have aphrodisiac properties (a food that may help improve sex drive). However, there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. Additionally, zinc deficiency reduces testosterone levels in men and can lead to erectile dysfunction. One study found that zinc supplements (rich in oysters) increased testosterone levels and libido in older men. Additionally, zinc therapy has also been shown to improve sexual performance in male rats. 

May benefit foetal development:

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for determining the gestational age of pregnant women and are important components of the foetal brain and retina. Additionally, it may help improve foetal health, increase birth weight, and prolong pregnancy when mothers are unable to conceive due to various reasons. However, more research is needed on this topic to draw more definitive conclusions. 

Can strengthen bones: Oysters are rich in calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone health. Additionally, the vitamin D content promotes calcium absorption into the bloodstream.

Bone density decreases with age:

This can lead to osteoporosis and frequent bone fractures. Including oysters in a balanced diet helps in strengthening bones. 

“Oysters are rich in vitamin D, copper, zinc and manganese. These micronutrients, combined with calcium, may be the key to reducing and even preventing bone loss in older women due to osteoporosis, ” says health and fitness consultant Nadia Sharif. Coffee Bull. 

May improve immunity:

MS, RD, CN, CDE say: “Zinc is an essential mineral for supporting the immune system, especially antiviral activity. The rich zinc content of oysters keeps pathogens from entering cells. “Zinc also helps prevent viral replication when viruses invade the body. Zinc also helps prevent viral replication, which is very important because it replicates the things that cause disease

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