Digestive Detox: Cleansing Strategies for a Flatter Tummy


If you suffer from headaches, fatigue, weight gain or lack of energy, you may benefit from a natural colon cleanse. But what’s the best way to cleanse your colon? In this article, we cover everything from the best natural colon cleanse recipes to FAQs, “What happens during a colon cleanse” and a surefire natural colon cleanse. 


Most of these drinks and blends are for home detox. If you need to prepare for surgery, it is best to consult a specialist first. However, if you are looking for a highly reliable specialist in colon surgery in Palm Beach County, please feel free to contact us. Finally, let’s look at the main ways to do natural colon cleanses. What is Natural Colon 


Before we talk about how to cleanse your colon, let’s see what this term refers to. Basically, colon cleansing uses enzymes, teas, colon cleansing, and other methods to flush out your large intestine. 

Common methods of colon cleansing: 

There are two ways to cleanse the colon. You can use several products to detox your body or consult a professional about colon cleansing. One of the easiest ways to cleanse your colon is with products such as liquid or powder supplements that you can take orally. Additionally, some products are administered rectally. Gastric cleansing products include enzymes, herbal teas, enemas, laxatives (including non-irritating and irritating types), and magnesium. 

As mentioned earlier, you can also get professional colonic irrigation to clean your colon. This method is similar to an enema, but requires more water. Medical professionals may use different water pressures and temperatures. Additionally, it may contain coffee, herbs, enzymes, and probiotics.

According to an ancient idea called the auto poisoning theory, certain foods, such as undigested meat, can cause a buildup of mucus in the colon. As a result, this buildup allows toxins to enter the bloodstream, poisoning the entire body. Some believe that these toxins can cause a variety of side effects, including weight gain, fatigue, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Cleansing your colon removes mucus and toxins from your body and boosts your immune system. 

Unfortunately, there is insufficient clinical evidence to show whether colonic irrigation provides these benefits. Additionally, colon cleansing can be dangerous if used incorrectly. For example, continuous colon cleansing can cause eating disorders, uncomfortable colon spasms, dehydration, perforations or tears in the rectum, and changes in electrolyte balance. 

Always take the correct precautions when performing a colon cleanse. Always consult a trusted health care professional, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications for conditions such as heart disease or kidney disease. 

That being said, if done correctly, natural colon cleansing has many benefits. For example, these are: 

Weight loss 

Reduced risk of colon cancer 

Improved mental outlook

Improved concentration 

Improved immune system What happens during a colon cleanse: 

“During a colon cleanse. The answer to the question “What will come out?” is simple. Toxins and waste products are eliminated from the body. Based on research results, cleaning the colon before a colonoscopy removed about 1.2 kg of waste. However, it is important to remember that this primarily includes feces and water. 

What are the best natural colon cleansing recipes: 

The good news is that you don’t have to buy expensive products to perform an easy natural colon cleanse. Below are recommended natural colon cleanse recipes and how to make the perfect formula. 

Salt water flush: 

The simplest natural colon cleansing recipe is a salt water flush. When you drink salt water, the salt automatically draws water into your intestines. As a result, it may help remove toxins and waste from the digestive tract. Here’s what you’ll need: 

4 cups boiling water 

2 teaspoons sea salt or Himalayan pink salt 

2 tablespoons pure lemon juice A jar or glass with a lid 

First, heat the water. Next, mix all the ingredients in the jar and put the lid on. Shake the mixture to make sure the salt is completely dissolved in the lemon water. Once the colon cleansing drink is completed, drink it immediately. When you’re done, lie on your side and slowly massage your stomach in a clockwise direction. I feel the urge to defecate immediately.

Mix Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey: 

Another easy natural colon cleansing recipe is to mix pure apple cider vinegar and raw honey. This colon cleansing drink has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. This is because both raw honey and apple cider vinegar (like honey) contain probiotics and compounds that support gut health. Here’s what you’ll need to make this delicious colon cleansing drink. 

8 ounces warm water 

2 tablespoons raw, unfiltered honey 

2 tablespoons high-quality apple cider vinegar 

First, heat a glass or cup of water. Pour apple cider vinegar into water, add raw honey and mix. This mixture is most effective when prepared just before bedtime. Be sure to consume immediately. The next day, you can expect to experience colon spasms, signaling a bowel movement. Enjoy Spicy Lemonade Bombs. This last natural colon cleansing recipe is delicious and healthy. You just need a few simple ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. To make this colon cleansing drink, you will need: 

1/2 tablespoon raw honey 

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice Pinch of cayenne pepper Pinch of grated ginger 

1 cup lukewarm water 

Optional: pinch of turmeric powder 

Pour boiling water into a mug or cup. Then add lemon juice, honey and garam masala and mix. Mix ingredients and serve immediately. You may experience cramps in your colon and expect to have a bowel movement sooner.

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