Category: Health Tips

10 Superfoods to Eat During Pregnancy

10 Superfoods to Eat During Pregnancy

Eggs: Eggs are considered one of the most nutritious, cheap and easy-to-prepare foods. Eggs, scrambled, scrambled, boiled or in omelettes, are the gold standard of prenatal protein. It is an excellent source of proteins,...

Health Benefits Of Cordyceps Mushroom

Health Benefits Of Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps sinensis is a parasitic fungus that usually lives in the larvae of insects, but can also infect adults. The fungi invade insects and modify existing tissues, resulting in the development of long fruiting...

Health Benefits Of Reishi Mushroom

Health Benefits Of Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom benefits the immune system and overall health. However, they can cause gastrointestinal side effects and are potentially unsafe for some people, such as those taking certain medications.  Reishi mushroom, also known as...

Health Benefits Of Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Health Benefits Of Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s mane is a mushroom with a history of both medicinal and culinary use in Asia and Europe. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Restorative Medicine, the use of medicinal...

Transformative Power of Exercise for Depression

The Transformative Power of Exercise for Depression

Exercise is not a cure for depression – it is not. However, several studies show that exercise can reduce or prevent symptoms of depression.  For people with depression and similar health conditions, exercise has...

How to be happy and healthy

How to be happy and healthy

Try some tips to keep you happier, more in control, and better able to deal with life’s ups and downs.  Manage your stress levels: If you have a lot of stress in your life,...

Top Ways To Calm Anxious Thoughts

Top Ways To Calm Anxious Thoughts

Physical and mental stress can cause anxiety. People with anxiety disorders may feel anxious for no particular reason. Anxiety not only causes severe stress, but it can also cause you to think about things,...

Stress management tips

How to relieve stress: Stress management tips

When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to get angry, but strategies stress management relief techniques can help bring calm and peace back into your busy life. You don’t have to spend a lot of...

Some Nutrients Your Diet May Be Missing

Some Nutrients Your Diet May Be Missing

Chances are, you need more than the seven nutrients discussed here. Many adults don’t get enough of these.  You can solve that problem by following these simple steps for each nutrient.  Calcium: Why it’s...

How do you create your morning routine?

How do you create your morning routine?

Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of mindfulness-based stress relief and author of several books, is one of the busiest people around. Here she explains how she makes time for mindfulness in her morning routine. “Waking up...