Top 10 health benefits of strawberries


Like other berries, strawberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As part of a nutritious diet, it may help prevent a variety of conditions. 

One of these health conditions is type 2 diabetes. Evidence-based sources suggest that this fruit may reduce the rise in blood sugar after meals in some people who are obese or overweight. 

Additionally, compounds found in strawberries may help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, and constipation. Learn more about the nutritional content and health benefits of strawberries, including ways to include them in your diet. 


The nutrients present in strawberries help protect your body from the following conditions: 

Heart disease:

Strawberries contain anthocyanins and quercetin, which protect against heart disease. A 2019 study from a reliable source reports that anthocyanins are associated with a reduced risk of heart attack. Additionally, according to a 2016 study, quercetin has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. 

The potassium present in strawberries can also help your heart health. Official sources from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say there is an inverse relationship between potassium intake and heart disease risk. 


An authoritative 2016 meta-analysis examined 11 clinical trials to assess the relationship between dietary flavonoid intake and stroke. It turns out that intake of these compounds may be inversely proportional to the likelihood of this condition. After adjusting the results for cardiovascular risk factors, the authors concluded that a diet rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of stroke.


According to a 2016 study, nutrients found in strawberries and other berries may help prevent certain cancers. They mainly help prevent gastrointestinal and breast cancers and to a lesser extent lung, prostate, liver and pancreatic cancers. However, it is important to note that the studies cited were animal studies and did not target strawberries specifically, but rather berries in general. 

Rather than identifying a single compound responsible for this protection, the authors speculated that the benefit probably comes from the combined effect of all the compounds in strawberries. In conclusion, strawberry consumption may provide some protection against oral, breast, lung, and esophageal cancer, but more research is needed. 

High blood pressure:

The potassium found in strawberries may provide some benefits for people with high blood pressure. A 2018 research report explains how this substance can help reverse the negative effects of sodium on the body. The authors found that increasing your intake of potassium-rich foods lowers blood pressure and helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. 


Eating high-fibre foods like strawberries can help keep your bowel movements regular. Dietary fibre helps move stool through the intestines and helps prevent constipation. 

Experts recommend increasing fluid intake to improve regularity. Drinking plenty of water is important, but eating water-rich foods like fruits can also help, since fruits are 80 to 90 percent water.

Support Heart Health:

Strawberries are rich in colourful pigments that have protective effects. These anthocyanins are believed to have many potential health benefits, including prevention of inflammatory conditions and heart disease. Observational studies have shown that regular consumption of blackberries reduces the number of deaths from heart disease. 

Regulate blood sugar levels:

Eating strawberries, especially when eaten with high-carbohydrate meals, slows down the digestion of glucose and regulates insulin use. The colourful anthocyanins appear to have this effect.

Helpful for people with type 2 diabetes:

Strawberries contain protective plant compounds called polyphenols, two of which, ellagic acid and ellagitannins, are expected to help manage some of the effects of type 2 diabetes. Specifically, it appears to regulate blood sugar levels, but more research is needed to verify these effects in humans. 

Help with weight management:

Strawberries have a low glycemic index (GI), which helps reduce blood sugar levels. Research shows that consuming plenty of low GI foods may be beneficial for weight management and reducing the incidence of obesity-related diseases. 

Reduce joint pain:

The anti-inflammatory properties of strawberries can reduce pain in joint diseases like osteoarthritis. One study reported reduced pain and swelling in obese adults who consumed 50 grams of a beverage made from freeze-dried strawberries daily for 12 weeks.

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