Nutritional value of peach fruit


Peaches are sweet, juicy fruits known for their unique color and flavor. It originated in China and has been a popular summer pastime for centuries. During its existence, many men, women and children enjoyed and ate it. It is a popular fruit even today. Enjoy as a standalone snack, in smoothies, or as part of an elaborate dessert. 

The hard seeds in the middle of the peach are inedible, but they are soft and fleshy on the inside, and thin and fluffy on the outside, full of nutrition and flavor. 

Peaches belong to a family of fruits known as stone fruits because of their hard centers. The stone fruit family also includes apricots, which are hairy like peaches, but smaller, harder, and less sweet. Nectarines have smooth, hairless skin. 

Health Benefits of Peaches:

Peaches have an unusual combination of low calories and low fat. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is so tasty that it is also used in sweets. It also provides many health benefits. 

Prevents disease:

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of diseases like heart attack, stroke and some types of cancer. Peach is one of those fruits that can help fight these health problems.

For example, the antioxidants found in peaches can protect against damage caused by free radicals (damaging molecules that affect cells) that can cause heart disease and cancer. One of these antioxidants is vitamin C, and we also need vitamin C to fight infection.

Vitamin A is another antioxidant found in peaches that also helps your immune system fight infection. Peaches contain minerals like iron and zinc that boost immunity. 

Heart health:

Peaches are a good source of potassium, which the body uses to regulate heart rate and blood pressure. High-potassium foods help lower blood pressure by removing excess sodium from the body and relaxing blood vessel walls. 

Peaches can also help improve cholesterol levels, which can reduce your risk of heart disease. 

Digestive health:

In addition to antioxidant protection and potassium benefits, peaches also contain fibre. Fibre supports the digestive system and helps the body maintain a healthy weight. 

Eye, Skin and Immune System Health:

Peaches are rich in nutrients good for your eyes. Examples include vitamins A, C and E. lutein and zeaxanthin. copper; and zinc.

Vitamin A found in peaches is important for skin health because it supports the ongoing process of replacing old skin cells with new, healthy cells. It also helps protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. Peaches are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, which the body uses to heal wounds. 

Vitamin E boosts immunity and helps maintain eye and skin health. In addition to helping with vision, small amounts of zinc may also help with blood clotting and thyroid function. Copper helps in the growth of bones and teeth, protects cells from damage and supports the immune system. 

Cancer Prevention:

Peaches are a very good source of antioxidants. One study found that eating peach peels provided the highest levels of cancer-fighting phytochemicals, important phytonutrients for human nutrition. Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage that can lead to cancer. 

Prevents damage caused by smoking:

Nicotine damages tissue and can cause heart disease, lung disease and cancer. Researchers have found that consuming white fruit peach extract can reduce oxidative damage to these organs. White peach extract increases nicotine metabolism and excretion from the body of smokers.

Obesity management:

Peach blossom tea is used in various cultures for weight loss. One study showed that peach blossom phytochemicals resulted in anti-obesity effects on laboratory mice. The mice were fed peach blossom water for 8 weeks and demonstrated reduced body weight, less abdominal fat, and lower glucose levels. It is unknown whether peach blossom flowers have the same effect on people with obesity.

How to use peaches:

Fresh peaches are a sweet and refreshing snack on a summer afternoon. Choose firm peaches with a deep colour and no spots. Place in a paper bag and leave for 1-2 days to soften before enjoying. Once ripe and tender, they can be stored in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator for up to 3 days.

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