Types of therapies used in treatment and their uses



Physiotherapy is derived from the two words physio (physical) and therapy (treatment). It is an independent medical system, where health care is provided through physical exercise. Doctors of this method are known as physiotherapists. Physiotherapy may be required for various physical disabilities.

Use of physiotherapy

This therapy is used in diseases such as spinal cord or joint disease, chest and back pain, pain due to injury, nerve problem, cerebral palsy, breathing problem, stroke, any disorder after operation.

Benefits of physiotherapy

Alleviating pain, avoiding surgery, improving overall strength and coordination, reducing dependence on medication, increasing cardiovascular function and lung capacity, managing and preventing sports related injuries, keeping fit at all ages and stages.

Side effects

Physiotherapy is a highly effective method of treating musculoskeletal conditions, but like any treatment, it can have side effects. The most common side effects include pain, stiffness, bruising, swelling, and redness.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a science-based treatment that provides medical services aimed at eliminating physical, mental, social and environmental problems of a person to enable him to participate in daily activities as much as possible. Occupational therapy medical services are required for patients whose activities of daily living are Being hampered by disabilities such as physical disability or intellectual disability.

Use of Occupational therapy 

It is used in cases of neurosis, autism, cerebral palsy, psychosis, depression, schizophrenia, bunions, fractures, arthritis, nerve injury, down syndrome, intellectual disability, etc.

Benefits of Occupational therapy 

Being able to do daily life tasks such as eating rice with one’s own hands, dressing clothes, bathing, combing hair, etc. Increasing hand skills such as writing by hand, being able to hold things with hands. Also walking, running etc. Maintaining balance, developing intelligence, coordinating emotions, improving social skills, increasing participation in sports, improving communication skills, etc.

Side effects

Muscle pain, headache, chest pain, confusion etc.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy is a science-based treatment for people who have difficulty communicating with others due to their structural or phonological problems. A Speech and Language Therapist determines how to treat a patient based on the type of problem, the cause, and the patient’s condition. Medical services will be provided.

Use of speech and language therapy

Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Hearing Impairment, Cleft Lip and Palate, Learning Disability, Stuttering, Difficulty in Chewing and Swallowing, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Gulen Bari Syndrome, Motor Neuron Disease, Psychiatric Disorders: Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder, Anxious Disorder, This therapy is used to cure depression, muscular dystrophy, meningitis, etc

Benefits of speech and language therapy 

Improved self-esteem. Increased independence. Improved ability to understand and express ideas, thoughts and feelings. School readiness for young children. Enhanced vocal quality. Early language skills. Better swallowing function. Improved quality of life.

Side effects 

Eye pain, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, shortness of breath while talking, sore throat etc. are some side effects but they get cured with time.


Chemotherapy is a widely used treatment method in the modern cancer treatment system. Chemotherapy is a type of treatment that destroys cancer cells and stops them from spreading.However, one type of treatment does not apply to all types of cancer. Different types of cancer cells respond to different types of drugs.

Use of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is given to treat certain cancers, such as leukaemia. Because leukaemia spreads throughout the body. Chemotherapy is often given before surgery. This is done to shrink the size of the cancerous tumour.

Benefits of chemotherapy 

Chemotherapy is done in combination of eight types of drugs for maximum good results. Doctors are trying to combine new types of drugs to improve the treatment through chemotherapy. Most of the time the body is weakened due to chemotherapy. But some modern chemotherapy poses little problem.

Side effects

Nausea and vomiting, taste changes, fatigue, constipation, hair loss, skin changes, avoid sun, weakened immune system, etc.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy is a modern treatment method. In this case, high energy radiation is applied to the cancer affected area. Radiation energy kills cancer cells, sometimes by damaging the DNA of the cancer cells and stopping them from growing. High-energy X-rays are commonly used in radiotherapy. However, in this case, the cancer cells are not destroyed immediately with the application of radiotherapy. After a certain dose of radiation, the DNA of the cells is damaged and the cells die.

Use of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is used to reduce late cancer symptoms, as an early cancer treatment, in combination with other cancer treatments, to shrink tumours before surgery, and to kill remaining cancer cells after surgery.

Benefits of radiation therapy 

Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Its goal is to destroy or damage the cancer without harming healthy cells.

Side effects 

Sometimes the high doses of radiation from radiotherapy also destroy some of the healthy cells surrounding the cancer cells. It has some side effects. Side effects of head, neck and chest radiotherapy can include hair loss, tiredness and fatigue, nausea, etc.

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