The Ultimate Guide To Lose Weight At Home


Weight loss appears difficult task, especially if you wish to lose weight more than 10 pounds. To lose weight healthily and most importantly maintaining it, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle incorporating a balanced diet and regular exercise. Many people believe that fasting is the sureshot step to lose weight which is not only false but also unhealthy and it may lead to several health problems later like having gallstones.

Weight loss without dieting

When you talk about weight loss, the first that comes to mind is dieting. In fact, dieting and weight loss are closely related. You need to follow a rigorous diet to lose weight fast. A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the maintenance of a healthy weight. With the tips given below, you can lose weight without going through the pain of a crash diet.

Have a nutritious breakfast

When it comes to weight loss, skipping breakfast is certainly not a good idea. Because breakfast is the first meal of the day which provides require energy for the whole day. Skipping breakfast not only feel weak but your hunger craving increases. It causes you to overeat at lunch. So one should start a day with a nutritious breakfast. That may include a cup of whole-grain cereals, yoghurt, fruits or low grain milk. Studies have shown that those who have breakfast have lower BMI than those who skip breakfast regularly.

Do not skip meals:

If you want to lose weight, don’t stay for more than 5 hours without eating, because it slows down the metabolism. Ensure to have three meals a day with a healthy snack between lunch and dinner.

Do not have breakfast until 10 am

If you don’t have metabolic and blood sugar problems, you can go without food from 8 pm last night to 10 am in the morning. The reason behind this is that intermittent fasting or going for a short period without food has been shown to improve the human growth hormone, especially above the age of 25. It helps in increasing lean mass and diminishing fat.

Have dinner latest by 8 pm

It is advisable to have dinner before 8 pm and not to eat anything after that. Because the release of our digestive enzymes and the function of our digestive tract slows down, it leads to slowing down the metabolism. Having dinner at 8 pm or before 3 hours of your bedtime enable proper digestion of food and prevent the feeling of bloating. If you find it difficult to resist you can have herbal tea or brush your teeth immediately to switch off your mind from the idea of eating.

Do not have breakfast until 10 am

If you don’t have metabolic and blood sugar problems, you can go without food from 8 pm last night to 10 am in the morning. The reason behind this is that intermittent fasting or going for a short period without food has been shown to improve the human growth hormone, especially above the age of 25. It helps in increasing lean mass and diminishing fat.

Have dinner latest by 8 pm

It is advisable to have dinner before 8 pm and not to eat anything after that. Because the release of our digestive enzymes and the function of our digestive tract slows down, it leads to slowing down the metabolism. Having dinner at 8 pm or before 3 hours of your bedtime enable proper digestion of food and prevent the feeling of bloating. If you find it difficult to resist you can have herbal tea or brush your teeth immediately to switch off your mind from the idea of eating.

Chew your food properly

Chewing your food for a longer time reduce your tendency of overeating by giving the brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it is full. It is necessary to chew your food about 30 to 50 times before eating, not only for the above reason, but also it helps us to digest the food more effectively. Basically, chewing the food breaks the food item into smaller pieces which become easier for the body to digest chemically inside the stomach and also easier for absorption.

Have fruits before meals

Eating fruit on an empty stomach detoxifies your system as well as supplies you with loads of energy. Eating fruit before 30 minutes of your main meal (like lunch and dinner) is advisable to digest quickly. Additionally, it decreases your capacity to eat more carbohydrates and fats, hence, limiting calorie intake.

Avoid overcooking your meals

Overcooking of food kills or reduces nutrients in meals. If you don’t take enough nutrients you don’t feel satisfied and go to the junk food cravings. Ensure to take raw foods in the form of salads. Vegetables can be steamed or baked or blanched or grilled while meat and fish can be baked. Microwaving should be avoided.

Drink lots of water

Water is the best detoxifier that can keep you hydrated and full. By drinking water instead of liquid calories you shed yourself 1 to 3 pounds in just 7 days. If you feel hungry after a meal takes a one bid glass dull of water to keep yourself full without going to extra calories. 

Have proper sleep

Having proper sleep helps in losing weight. Ensure that you sleep 8 hours at night and 2 hours in the daytime. This gives enough time to kill all the fat and start over in the new portion of the body. It will make it easier to lose weight.

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