The Link Between Dehydration and Kidney Stone Formation


Kidney stones are collections of minerals that get stuck in the kidneys or ureters and can cause excruciating pain. More than 10 men in the United States have at least one kidney stone. If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, you probably don’t want to get one again, but statistics show that you’re most likely to. 

Dr. Alex Lesani, a professional urologist, diagnoses and treats kidney stones in his Las Vegas, Nevada, office. Here’s what you need to know about how to prevent kidney stones from forming in the first place. 

Why you get kidney stones All the food you eat and most drinks you drink are rich in minerals. The body needs an abundance of minerals to function properly, but when excess minerals collect in the kidneys and are not excreted in the urine, they form stone-like masses. 

Calcium and oxalate, two different types of minerals that cause most kidney stones, combine in the gastrointestinal tract when taken together in the diet. However, if you eat them separately or don’t drink enough water, they combine in your kidneys when urine is produced. 

When there is a lack of water in the urine, oxalate and calcium combine to form stones. Stones can become lodged in the kidneys or enter the ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urethra) or the urethra (the tubes that carry urine out of the body through the penis). 

No matter where a kidney stone lodges, if it is large enough, it can be excruciatingly painful. You may be able to dilute the stones by drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, Dr. Lesani may use extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to break up large stones so they can pass comfortably. 

In rare cases, surgery may be necessary. Why hydration is important: 

Proper hydration prevents stones from forming in the first place, as bound oxalates and calcium are washed away by urine. This is why your risk of kidney stones is higher if you have diabetes, for example. Diabetes can cause you to urinate excessively, leaving you dehydrated and causing a buildup of minerals in your kidneys.

Mild dehydration can cause fatigue and reduce organ function. Severe or chronic dehydration can damage the kidneys. 

Drink at least the recommended 8 to 10 8-ounce glasses of water or other healthy drinks per day to avoid dehydration. However, if you sweat a lot from an intense workout, sauna, or spa stay, take more.

If you already have kidney stones, drinking more water and other healthy fluids will help them dissolve. Dr. Resani recommends drinking 3 liters of water a day and taking over-the-counter pain relievers to minimize discomfort until the kidney stone is gone. Hydration choices are important. Even drinking water can be harmful if you don’t make healthy choices. 

To keep your kidneys clean and healthy and improve your overall health, avoid: 

Sugary drinks

Fruit juices

Drinks with corn syrup


Water is the only good choice. The same goes for water with fresh fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber or strawberry water. Coffee and tea can also help you stay hydrated.

But one of the best ways to dissolve kidney stones and prevent new ones from forming is to drink highly acidic liquids, such as water with lemon juice In fact, the citric acid in lemon juice makes your urine more basic, less acidic, and prevents certain types of stones.

Amount of Water: 

Enough You’ve probably heard throughout your life that you should drink about eight glasses of water a day. But how big are the glasses? Each glass should hold 8 ounces (or 1 cup) of water. 

But eight glasses of water a day is not enough to keep your urine clear and stone-free. Instead, you should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. This equates to approximately 3 liters. 

Even if you’re drinking a lot of water, make sure you get your fluids from the food you eat too. Focus on eating fresh fruits and vegetables that keep you hydrated, nourish your tissues, and prevent stone formation. 

What is considered water: 

The good news is that it is water. — There are a few things to keep in mind. Beer has been shown to prevent kidney stones, as long as you don’t drink more than one alcoholic drink a day or have other illnesses that prevent you from drinking. Don’t forget to eat. Just as the drinks you drink can help you stay hydrated, the foods you eat can also help you stay hydrated. In fact, many foods are high in water, which helps keep your kidneys healthy. Most meats are made up of about 60 parts water. Good foods for hydration include: 

Chicken breast








However, animal proteins are high in uric acid. Stones may also form. Minimize your intake of red meat and follow a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean or DASH diet. 

If you have kidney stones or want to prevent them, talk to Dr. Lesani about the best food and drink choices. The type of minerals in your stone will affect how much citric acid or citrate you actually need. 

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