Guava Fruit Benefits: Amazing Uses Of Guava 


Guava is a tropical fruit grown in Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia, commonly eaten raw or made into a beverage, and its peel and leaves are used as home remedies for a variety of conditions. Most people think that guava is associated with coolness and this may also be true. Apart from this, these fruits also have health benefits. Guava also helps in dangerous health problems like high blood pressure, diarrhoea, diabetes, cough and various types of cancer. In fact, it is so good for diabetes that it can be included in your diabetes diet plan. 

So, how does guava do this? The answer to this question is that guava is rich in vitamin C and fibre, which acts as an antioxidant. These antioxidants reduce or prevent the harmful effects associated with oxidation. 

General information about Guava:

Guava is a medicinal fruit that helps in many health problems like diarrhoea and blood pressure. Here are some facts you should know about guava. 

Guava usually grows about 20 feet tall. 

Guavas bear white flowers. 

Guava starts bearing fruit 2 to 8 years after planting and bears fruit only twice a year. 

A guava fruit contains 100 to 500 small seeds. But there are also seedless varieties. 

Guava is rich in vitamin C, A and E. 6 Guava is called a super fruit because it contains four times more vitamin C than orange, three times more protein and four times more dietary fibre than pineapple. 

It is also said that it contains more potassium than banana. Guava leaves are used as black dye in the textile industry. 

The lifespan of a guava tree is more than 40 years. 

Guava is the best aid in weight loss.

Guava has immunity enhancing properties:

Guava is rich in Vitamin C and it is said that it has four times more Vitamin C than orange. Vitamin C helps strengthen your immune system and prepare it to fight common infections and pathogens. Additionally, more vitamin C helps maintain vision. 

May reduce the risk of developing cancer:

Vitamin C, lycopene and other types of polyphenols act as antioxidants that neutralise infections in the body and prevent the growth of cancer cells. Guava fruit prevents prostate cancer and prevents the growth of breast cancer cells. 

Helps control blood sugar levels:

Guava is rich in fibre and glycemic index, which helps prevent the development of diabetes. You can also refer to the glycemic index food table to find out the GI of other foods and modify your diet accordingly. The fibre content controls the rise in blood sugar levels, and the glycemic index also limits short-term increases in blood sugar levels. 

Guava helps maintain heart health:

Guava is rich in sodium and potassium, which helps high blood pressure patients to maintain body balance and control high blood pressure. Guava helps reduce cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart disease. However, this fruit increases the levels of good cholesterol and replaces bad cholesterol.

Helps in Constipation:

Guava is rich in dietary fibre as compared to other fruits. One guava per day contains 12% of your fibre needs, which is very beneficial for your digestive health. It also helps in healthy bowel movements. It reduces the risk of constipation. 

Helps Improve Eyesight:

Guava fruit contains vitamin A, which helps in improving eyesight. Eating guava not only prevents vision loss but can also prevent the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. 

Guava is an anti-stress agent:

Guava fruit contains magnesium, which helps relax muscles and nerves. This means that after a tough workout or a long day at the office, she needs a guava to unwind. This fruit helps fight stress and provides good energy to your system. 

Guava is beneficial for pregnant women:

Guava is beneficial for pregnant women because it contains folic acid and vitamin B-9, which are recommended to develop the nervous system of women and protect the baby from neurological diseases. 

One of the best solutions for toothache:

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that fight infection and kill bacteria, so consuming guava leaves at home can help control toothache. Guava leaf juice is also considered effective in gum swelling and canker sores. 

Helps in weight loss:

If you are a fitness enthusiast or you think that you are overweight, then you should eat guava which helps in weight loss. Guava regulates body metabolism. Fresh guavas are said to contain less sugar than apples, grapes and oranges.

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