Golden Tips To Crack FMGE


Worried about FMGE?

Just relax..take a deep breath and have a look at the following points as they might help to wean yourself from the impending stress and tension of Passing FMGE. See,to crack the exam,you have to analyze it a little bit. Yes,its a tough one..There’s no doubt about that.But trust me,You can crack it if you prepare smartly. There’s no specific formula. You have to device the one that suits you the best.All your Teachers and well-wishers can only help you and so can I..Here I’m trying to jot down some key-strategies which I believe would benifit you to a great extent.

If you are really worried about FMGE and you want our help, feel absolutely free to contact us by dropping your whatsapp number below. We will contact you very soon.

1.Knowing the Format: Before launching your preparation,please have a crystal clear concept about the Syllabus and Question-Pattern. Once you know this,it would be much easier for you to ready yourself to take the Exam.

2. Picking the Proper Study Materials: Please choose a good book,specialized for FMGE only. There are lots of books based on all the 19 Subjects same as that of FMGE.But please be focused on your present need which is FMGE only.
My personal suggestion is: Study 1 FMGE guide book with MCQs,based on all the subjects and Review books for the 4 major Subjects.

3.Planning your study: It would be very benificial for you if you plan your study beforehand. Try to finish the All Subject FMGE-Guide book as soon as possible and then keep revising it time to time to sharpen the concept.
On the other hand,try to cover the 4 Major subjects from Review books. Please study multiple subjects everyday. Study a single subject would not only slow down your preparation but also will get you bored and frustrated.

4.Taking Tests: Taking frequent Tests is as important as Studying the books. It would help you to develop the habit of solving MCQs. You’ll be able to master lots of techniques like ‘Method of elimination’ which would help you to guess the answer even if you’re not pretty aware of the fact asked in the question.

5.Revision: When it comes to FMGE,Reading without Revising is worth nothing. Repetition is the key to success.So,please make sure you evise everything you study.I know its difficult but trust me,it makes a huge difference.

6. Staying Positive: Its one of the most important factors to crack FMGE. It also helps in your overall well-being. Always think that you’d pass FMGE and program yourself in that way. Avoid people who speak negatively and demotivate you. There were,are and will always be rumors about FMGE.Never ever pay attention to them. Just concentrate on your own preparation and strategy.

7. Health: Please eat healthy and sleep for atleast 6-7 hours a day. A sound sleep will help you to stay alert when needed and recall better.

8. Seeking Help: Whenever you’re stuck at any point, note it and keep studying at your own pace. Once you’re done with the topic/sub-topic,clear the doubt. But please,try to clear your doubt with respect to FMGE only.Its not wise to invest much time on something which is not that important for FMGE. Remember,you can study at the deeper level for the rest of your life.

9. Taking Breaks: Please take small breaks inbetween your study spells.It will aid your study.

10. Reward yourself: Rewarding yourself after a successful day is a great way to boost yourself.It may be good food,good movie or just chats with your loved ones.Your mind tends to complete the target faster in order to earn the Reward.

So,what are you waiting for?

Just plan your work and then work your plan. Always remember,You can do it.The students who got good marks in FMGE,are like you only. Never lose heart. If you need any kind of Academic support,Medblog18 is there to help you. We provide Support to FMGE Aspirants for free. As we respect the Individuality of students,we offer personalized help on the basis of the student’s need.

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