Health Benefits Of Turkey Tail Mushroom


Turkey tail mushroom is a powerful fungus with many documented benefits. This mushroom contains several beneficial molecules that are available in supplement form. 

Turkey tail mushrooms and their extracts are effective in strengthening the immune system and fighting some types of cancer. It may also have additional benefits, such as fighting viruses, protecting the liver, and improving brain function. 

The turkey tail mushroom is a specific type of mushroom found all over the world. It is called the turkey tail mushroom because its bulbous cap resembles a turkey’s alternate colour-coded tail feathers. 

Turkey tail mushrooms grow on fallen trees and play an important role in recycling nutrients from dead trees and returning nutrients to the environment. Although turkey tail mushrooms are safe to eat and are abundant in North America, it is important to be sure of the mushroom’s identity before finding and eating it. 


The effects of turkey tail mushroom and turkey tail mushroom extract have been extensively tested in many diseases. In particular, turkey tail mushroom extract has beneficial effects on various body systems and appears to be effective against many diseases, including cancer. 

Strengthen the immune system:

Turkey tail mushroom and its extracts are very beneficial for the functioning of the immune system. Studies have shown that the mushroom extract PSP specifically increases the activity of various types of immune cells needed to fight infection.

Helps Fight Cancer:

Most of the research done on turkey tail mushroom is about its effects on various cancers, and turkey tail mushroom extract is used as a supplement in Japan and China. It has been approved as a cancer treatment. Turkey tail mushroom extract may prevent the growth of certain types of cancer due to its potential immune-boosting effects. 

Turkey tail mushrooms not only prevent cancer from growing, but also prevent tumours from affecting the body. One reason why cancerous tumours grow is that they suppress the immune system, which causes the body to react to the tumour and stop it from growing. 

Perhaps turkey tail mushroom extract may prevent this immunosuppression due to its immune-boosting effects. It may also help boost the immune system of patients undergoing chemotherapy, a treatment that can significantly weaken the immune system. 

Several studies have examined the effects of turkey tail mushroom extract on certain types of cancer. PSK, another extract similar to PSP, improves overall survival in gastric cancer patients. In lung cancer patients, PSK improved several outcomes, including weight and survival. 

Helps fight some viruses:

There is some evidence that extracts of turkey tail mushrooms, such as PSP and PSK, may be useful in treating viral infections. One study found that applying turkey tail mushroom extract to cells could reduce the effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by blocking molecules necessary for it to function. Although no human studies have been conducted, turkey tail mushroom extract may one day serve as an antiviral drug against HIV.

Improves nervous system function:

Turkey tail mushroom and its extract may also be beneficial for brain function. Cell damage caused by oxidative stress may contribute to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. An enhanced immune system response, such as that caused by turkey tail mushroom, may help reduce this cellular stress. 

Protects the liver:

Some studies suggest that turkey tail mushroom extract may be beneficial for overall liver function, especially for disease-damaged livers. Historically, turkey tail mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to help with liver diseases such as jaundice. 

A recent study found that turkey tail mushroom extract had protective effects against liver damage, such as liver damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Turkey tail mushrooms protect the liver by reducing the amount of fat stored in the liver and reducing inflammation caused by alcohol consumption. 

Improves gut health:

There is some evidence that turkey tail mushrooms may also help with gut health and normal metabolism. One study found that combining PSP with prebiotics increased the levels of beneficial bacteria in intestinal samples. 

Improves metabolism:

Turkey tail mushrooms help regulate various metabolic factors. One study found that diabetic rats who ate turkey tail mushrooms had lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Improves Athletic Performance:

Finally, there is some evidence that turkey tail mushrooms may help improve athletic performance. Rats who took turkey tail mushroom supplements performed better during exercise and were able to exercise for longer periods of time without fatigue. However, more research is needed in humans. 

Some beneficial effects of turkey tail mushroom and turkey tail mushroom extract have been more extensively studied than others. But overall, this amazing fungus has a positive effect on health. 

Supports gut health:

Turkey tail may improve gut health by increasing beneficial bacteria that support healthy digestion. Turkey tail acts as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of “good” bacteria in your gut microbiome. A healthy and balanced gut microbiome leads to improved digestive health, a stronger immune system and a reduced risk of gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. 

Cognitive function:

Turkey tail is rich in antioxidants, which may improve cognitive function (memory, problem solving, etc.) and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

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