Crack Ophthalmology


These are the most important topics and grasping these will help you to crack ophthalmology in FMGE exam

 General Ophthalmology:

  1. Dimensions of the Eye and the Orbit
  2. Depth of Anterior & Posterior Chambers
  3. Volume of Different Components
  4. Length & Other Parameters of the Eye
  5. Nerve Supply of the Eye & Extra-ocular Muscles & their Functions
  6. pH of the Secretions
  7. Refractive Powers
  8. No. Of Cone Cells

Pharmacological Aspects

  1. Anti-glaucoma Drugs
  2. Cycloplegics
  3. Drugs causing Corneal Ulceration
  4. DOC of : Trachoma, CMV-Retinitis, Uveitis, Infections


  1. Types of Conjunctivitis & Causative Agents; Treatment Options for each Type
  2. Trachomal Conjunctivitis
  3. Conjunctival Xerosis
  4. Viral Conjunctivitis
  5. MC Cause of Infection induced, Trachoma
  6. SAFE


  1. H.S. Keratitis
  2. Congenital Syphilis
  3. Mooren’s Ulcer
  4. Acanthomoeba Keratitis( Ccommoner in Contact-lens users)
  5. Keratoconus
  6. Keratoglobus
  7. FUSCH’s Dystrophy
  8. Band Shaped Keratopathy
  9. Treatment Options for Corneal Ulcers
  10. Transparency of Cornea: Factors Responsible & Required
  11. Normal Thickness of Cornea


  1. Differences & Similarities between the 2
  2. Tubular Vision
  3. Sympathetic Ophthalmia
  4.  Different  Types of Glaucoma & DOC
  5. Systemic Diseases Associated with Uveitis
  6. Anterior, Intermediate & Pan-uveitis: Cloinical Features &  Treatment  Options
  7. Painful & Painless Uveitis


  1. Name-specific Cataracts like ‘Sunflower Cataract’, ‘Oildrop Cataract’, ‘Snowflake Cataract’, ‘Rosset Shaped Cataract’  etc
  2. MC Cataract
  3. MCC of Blindness = Cataract
  4. Cataract in Diabetics
  5. Clinical Features & Managements of  Cortical, Nuclear & Capsular Cataract
  6. Implantation of Lens
  7. Placement of Lens
  8. Phacoemulsification
  9. LASER: Types, Wavelength, Sideeffects
  10. Ectopic Lens
  11. Aphakia
  12. Vision 2020
  13. Criteria for Blindness
  14. Origin of Lens: Embryological


  1. Cotton-wool Spots
  2. Retinal Detachment
  3. Hypertensive Retinopathy
  4. Diabetic Retinopathy
  5. Hiv-Associated Retinopathy
  6. Cherry Red Spot
  7. Retinitis Pigmentosa
  8. Layers of Retina, Regenerative Layers


  1. MC Benign & Malignant Tumors among Children & Adults
  2. MC Metastatic Tumor
  3. Retinoblastoma


  1. CRAO
  2. CRVO
  3. Ocular manifestations of different Systemic Diseases & STDs like Rheumatic Disease, Diabetes, Connective Tissue Disease, Bechet’s Disease etc
  4. Vitreous Hemorrhage
  5. A-R Pupil, Eddie Pupil, Hutchinson’s Pupil
  6. Thyroid-ophthalmopathy
  7. Fracture of the Orbit
  8. Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism, Amblyopia, Toxic Amblyopia
  9. Lesions & Associated Clinical Manifestations of the Optic Tract & Optic Pathway
  10. Enucleation
  11.  Ankyloblepharitis, Epiphora, Squint: Correction, Spring Catarrh
  12. Ptosis: Cause, Surgical Procedures
  13. Different Diagnostic Procedures and their Purposes
  14. Tear Film : Composition
  15. Glands of the Eye
  16. Nasolacrimal Apparatus, Drainage
  17. Colour Blindness

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