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The Power of Nutrition: Foods that Fight Colon Cancer and Boost Recovery: Learn about the power of nutrition in preventing and recovering from colon cancer, highlighting specific foods that can aid in the fight.


Learn which foods to include in your colorectal cancer treatment diet, which foods to avoid, and guidelines for an overall balanced diet to help prevent colorectal cancer. 

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States, excluding skin cancer. Although the overall rate of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer has decreased over the years, the incidence of colorectal cancer in young people is higher than ever. In response to this increase, the American Cancer Society lowered the recommended age for screening in 2021 from age 50 to age 45. 

Nutrition plays an important role in prevention and treatment. The food you eat and the lifestyle you lead influence your cancer risk level and your body’s ability to prevent cancer. Several cancer studies have shown that people who eat right, do regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, and limit alcohol intake are more likely to develop colorectal disease. It has been shown that one-third of the Her her’s has been shown to decrease more than her’s. We know we can reduce it. 

Learn what foods to choose and eliminate to achieve a balanced diet to prevent colorectal cancer and dietary guidelines to follow during treatment. 

What is Colon Cancer? 

Colon cancer is a growth of cells that begins in the part of the large intestine called the colon. The colon is the first and longest part of the large intestine. The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system. The digestive system breaks down food so that it can be used by the body. 

Colon cancer usually occurs in older people, but it can occur at any age. It usually begins as small clusters of cells called polyps that form in the colon. Polyps are usually not cancerous, but some can turn into colon cancer over time. Polyps often do not cause symptoms. For this reason, doctors recommend regular screening tests to check for polyps in the colon. Finding and removing polyps can help prevent colon cancer. 

If colon cancer develops, many treatments can control it. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and drug therapies such as immunotherapy. Colon cancer is also called colorectal cancer. This term combines colon cancer and rectal cancer, which occurs in the rectum. 

Superfoods that fight colon cancer

Beans and legumes: Beans and legumes are touted as superfoods that fight colon cancer. Black beans in particular increase levels of certain fatty acids that prevent the growth of cancer cells. 

Berries: Berries are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that are good for your health. Black raspberries are extremely rich in anthocyanins, which slow down the development of malignant cells. 

Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which researchers believe slows the growth of abnormal cells. There is also evidence to suggest that carrots are rich in nutrients and vitamins that protect the body from various types of cancer. 

Coffee: The more coffee you consume, the less likely your symptoms will return. One study showed that drinking a cup of coffee every day reduced mortality rates by as much as 20% in patients with stage 3 colorectal cancer. 

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, and cauliflower have cancer-fighting properties. Broccoli in particular contains large amounts of sulfurophane, which minimizes the risk of cancer and helps the body’s enzymes fight diseases. 

Nuts: Diets rich in nuts are also associated with lower cancer recurrence and mortality rates in stage 3 cancer patients. 

Spinach: Spinach is also a powerful green vegetable that is rich in folate and fiber, promoting overall health and wellness. It contains carotenoids, which studies have shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Maintaining a healthy weight during colon cancer treatment: 

Maintaining a healthy weight with proper nutrition during cancer treatment is a challenge for many patients, but it has many benefits. there is. It strengthens the immune system and provides it with the energy it needs to stay active. Even a small amount of weight loss can increase your risk of experiencing treatment-related side effects. Additionally, excessive weight loss during treatment may require hospitalization and treatment may be stopped or postponed. 

Obesity, on the other hand, can negatively impact treatment and increase the risk of death for some cancer patients. Obese patients also have an increased risk of colorectal cancer recurrence compared to patients of a healthy weight. 

Your doctor or registered dietitian can calculate your recommended daily calorie requirements, but in general they recommend 25 to 30 calories per 2.2 pounds of body weight per day, with no more than 25 percent of your calories coming from fat. Recommended. Recommendation. recommendation. 

What to eat and drink to aid recovery: 

Your diet after cancer treatment should include proper nutrition to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. must be present. Must exist. It definitely exists. This must continue to be emphasized. 

Research from reliable sources shows that colon cancer survivors who eat more fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, and fish have lower intakes of refined sugar, fat, processed meat, and red meat. It has been shown that there are few. It has been shown that there are few. They have been shown to eat a lot. This suggests that they may live longer. 

However, it is unclear whether this is due to the benefits of a healthy diet or the effect of a healthy diet on colon cancer. 

Drinking coffee may also help with recovery. A 2020 study of 1,171 patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer found that those who increased their coffee intake to at least four cups per day had a lower risk of disease progression and death. 

If side effects subside, you can resume some of your normal diet as tolerated. Make sure your diet is rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Continue to limit alcohol and tobacco use as much as possible. His American Cancer Society website is filled with recipes for nutritious meals and snacks. Trusted sources for nutritious meals and snacks: 

  • Chicken and White Bean Soup Trusted Source 
  • Zucchini Bite Trusted Source 
  • Pumpkin Oat Muffins Trusted Source 
  • Make Your Own Trail Mix Trusted Source Sources Possible Source 

Other healthy options include: yogurt berries, unsweetened coconut, and sliced ​​almonds. 

Whether you’re still dealing with side effects or not, Wysocki offers two additional snacks you can make at home: 

GG Yogurt: Ingredients: 

1 containers Plain nonfat Greek yogurt 

4 to 6 gingersnap cookies 

1/2 bananas (sliced) Conclusion: As new research continues to emerge, it is becoming increasingly clear that diet can have a significant impact on cancer risk. 

There are many foods that can inhibit the spread and growth of cancer cells, but current research is limited to test tubes, animals, and observational studies. 

Further research is needed to understand how these foods directly impact cancer development in humans. In the meantime, there is no doubt that a diet rich in whole foods, combined with a healthy lifestyle, will improve many aspects of your health.





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