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Some tips to improve your sleep quality each night


Despite how important sleep is to your physical and mental health, getting enough quality sleep each night can be difficult. The effects of sleep deprivation are felt in every aspect of life. Your daily sleep habits (called sleep hygiene) can positively impact the quality of your sleep. details on how to sleep better, with clear steps to improve your sleep habits. 

From assessing your bedroom environment to optimizing your bedtime, our approach to improving your sleep includes specific steps you can take to fall asleep, stay asleep, and feel well-rested. 

Stick to sleep schedule:

Don’t sleep more than 8 hours. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least 7 hours. Most people don’t need to spend more than eight hours in bed to get enough rest.  

You go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends. Consistency strengthens your body’s sleep-wake cycle. 

If you still can’t fall asleep after about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read a book or listen to happy music. When you’re tired, go back to bed. Repeat as needed, but maintain your sleep and wake times. 2

Watch what you eat and drink:

Don’t go to bed on an empty or full stomach. Avoid eating heavy or large meals, especially a few hours before bedtime. You cannot sleep due to restlessness. 

You should also be careful of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. The stimulant effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can interfere with sleep. Additionally, drinking alcohol may make you sleepy at first, but it can also disrupt your sleep at night. 

Create a peaceful environment:

Keep your room cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light in the evening can make it difficult to fall asleep. Do not use luminescent screens for long periods just before going to sleep. Consider using devices like room darkening shades, earplugs, and fans to create an environment that suits your needs. 

Doing calming activities before bed, such as taking a bath or practising relaxation techniques, can improve the quality of your sleep. 

Limit daytime sleep:

Long naps during the day can disrupt your sleep at night. Limit sleep to one hour or less and avoid sleeping late in the day. 

However, if you work the night shift, you may need to take a long nap before work to cover your sleep debt. 

Include physical activity in your daily routine:

Regular physical activity improves the quality of your sleep. However, avoid activities near bedtime. 11 Spending time outside every day can also help.

Manage your worries:

Try to resolve your worries and anxieties before going to bed. Write down whatever comes to mind and save it for tomorrow. Helps manage stress Start with the basics like staying organized, prioritizing and delegating tasks. Meditation can also reduce anxiety.

Relax for 30 minutes before bed:

When you’re relaxed, it’s easier to fall asleep. Quiet reading, low-impact activities, listening to soothing music, and relaxing exercise are examples of ways to get into a state of mind suitable for sleep. Focus on trying to relax instead of trying to fall asleep. Examples of relaxation techniques that can help you fall asleep include controlled breathing, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery. 

Disconnect your devices an hour before bed:

Tablets, smartphones, and laptops wire our brains and make it difficult to truly relax. The light from these electronic devices can also suppress the natural production of melatonin. If possible, try to disconnect at least an hour before bed.

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