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NKDA New Town 13-point action plan to fight dengue


KOLKATA: The New Town Development Authority (NKDA) has started formulating and implementing a 13-point action plan, such as identifying hotspots and waterlogged areas, compiling a database of construction sites and open spaces and spraying caterpillars in batches from June to June. December etc. Preventive measures and measures to reduce dengue fever.

Officials said that only two dengue cases have been reported in the city this year. Last year 348 people were infected with dengue fever. In 2022, this number reached 151, whereas in 2021, only 49 people were diagnosed with dengue.

The NKDA surveillance team identified potential dengue hotspots based on the risk of waste in three work areas in the new city. A Special Advisory Committee on Public Health and Vector Control was formed to oversee the implementation of vector-borne disease control programs.

NKDA’s vector control staff consists of three field supervisors and 40 field workers who spray insecticides.   Recently, an additional 30 staff were hired to improve operational efficiency overseeing 28 countries. An order was issued to prepare a comprehensive list of workers spraying pesticides in the area.

Guidelines have been published to prevent mosquito breeding at construction sites. Construction workers are advised to regularly remove waste, garbage and other debris from the construction site and to empty all water bodies weekly. Five areas have been identified as hotspots for wet conditions. Residents are advised to check fluids frequently and seek medical attention if they develop flu-like symptoms. Last year 276 cases were registered.



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