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Dengue Symptoms and Treatment: Follow preventive measures recommended by experts for speedy recovery


Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus and is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito-borne fever, caused by four related viruses, has earned the nickname “antipyretic fever” because of severe joint and muscle pain.

The incidence of dengue increases during the rainy season. Dr Basavaraj Kuntogi, Department of Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospital, Malleswaram and Miles Road, said: “In the last one-and-a-half months, we have seen an increase in the number of dengue patients in the outpatient clinics. Very serious.” It is important.  Know the symptoms of this disease and take necessary steps,” he said.

The disease develops in three stages.   “The fever phase begins with high temperature accompanied by body aches, back pain, eye pain and headache,” said Dr. Account This phase usually lasts 3 to 5 days. The critical phase usually begins on the third or fourth day of fever and may include symptoms such as low blood pressure, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, and possible bleeding. Serious complications at this stage can include organ failure such as jaundice, kidney failure, heart problems, and mental status changes that may require treatment in an intensive care unit. This stage may last two to three days or more. Then comes the recovery phase, which is characterized by symptoms such as redness, itching and decreased heart rate.

Avoid diclofenac, ibuprofen and steroids and use paracetamol up to 4 times a day to control your home temperature. Drink water, coconut water, rehydration fluids, yogurt and fresh juices to stay hydrated. Eat bland meals and watch for severe symptoms such as severe vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion, or dizziness while standing. If these symptoms appear, go to the doctor immediately. If the platelet count falls below 50,000, consider hospitalization. If the fever lasts more than two to three days, consult your doctor.



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