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Qualities of Patharkuchi trees


Patharkuchi is a famous medicinal plant. Various types of medicinal plants have been used in medicine since ancient times. There is mention of Patharkuchi tree in these. The stone pieces are one and a half to two feet high. The leaves are fleshy and smooth, egg-shaped. There are small round grooves all around it. New shoots sprout from this groove. Sometimes when the tree becomes old, plants grow from the grooves of the tree. Seedlings are easily obtained by leaving leaves on the ground. The grass grows easily in gravelly soils, but grows faster in wet, moist areas. Looks like a lampshade. The flowers are one to one and a half inches long and hollow from inside. There are green, red and white spots on the outer part of the flower. Flowers appear in winter and fruits in summer.

Eliminates urine infection

Patharkuchi leaf juice helps cure urinary tract infections. Good to cure excessive thirst. Drink 40-60 ml every morning and evening. Apart from this, consuming the juice of this leaf keeps the blood sugar level under control. 

Cures cold

The juice of Patharkuchi leaves is useful in curing colds. Apart from this, for chest cold, heat 3 leaves and make juice. Add a pinch of salt. Take one teaspoon three times a day for as long as needed.

Removes toxins

The juice of Pattharkuchi leaves removes toxins and purifies the blood. By applying the paste of leaves on any swollen part of the body, it will heal quickly. Applying the juice of the leaves in the ears will provide quick relief. Crushing this leaf and applying it on the forehead cures headache.

Relieves long-standing colds and coughs

It is especially useful in colds that have become old.  This kapha beaker, the juice of stone-ground leaves should be heated a little and a little sohagar khoi should be mixed with it while it is hot. 250 mg with 3 tsp. Take 2 teaspoons of it and eat it 2 times in the morning and in the afternoon. This will cure old colds and always get rid of cough.

Cures kidney stones and jaundice

Patharkuchi leaves help in removing kidney stones and goiter. One should chew 2 to 3 leaves or drink the juice twice a day. Fresh powdered leaves and its juice are very beneficial in preventing any liver problem. – Patharkuchi leaves control high blood pressure and relieve urinary problems.

Use crushed leaves for skin care

Patharkuchi leaves contain a lot of water, which is very beneficial for the skin. It also has the ability to reduce swelling. People who are very conscious about their skin can crush the stone leaves and apply them on the skin. Problems like acne and rashes will go away.

Cures flatulence

Many times it is seen that the stomach becomes swollen or urination stops. In such a situation, heating one or two spoons of juice of stone leaves with a little sugar and mixing it in water will be beneficial. 

Relieves stomach pain in children

If a child has stomach ache, massaging 30-60 drops of the juice of Patharchatta leaves on the stomach provides relief from the pain.

Reduces inflammation

Two spoons of crushed stone leaf juice mixed with half a cup of hot water and consumed twice a day reduces body inflammation.

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