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Research reveals hidden complications of celiac disease


Researchers have discovered a previously unknown complication of celiac disease caused by resistance to eating gluten, which may lead to future treatments.

Previously, it was thought that the reaction to gluten occurs in the intestinal wall and affects only immune cells, but new research from researchers in Canada, the United States, Australia and Argentina has shown that this is not the case.

Research has shown that different cells in the upper intestine, called the epithelium, are not part of the normal immune system and play an active role in controlling inflammation when exposed to gluten. Normal immune system. Understanding disease processes.

Researchers led by McMaster University in Canada have used microscopic biomaterials in the laboratory to create a model of the biological function of the intestinal epithelium.

This innovative model enables the detection and regulation of specific molecular interactions in epithelial cells of celiac disease patients, providing insight into complex organelles that are difficult to access.

In this model, the team observed how epithelial cells alert immune cells to the presence of gluten, confirming that epithelial cells are important for activating the immune system in celiac disease. This discovery is expected to lead to the development of new drugs targeting the epithelial immune system.

People with celiac disease avoid gluten (a protein found in wheat, beef, and barley) to prevent symptoms of intestinal pain, nutrient absorption problems, and long-term health risks.

There is currently no cure for this autoimmune disease, although it is common in 1% of the population and has doubled in the past 25 years.

“The only current treatment is a strict gluten-free diet, which is difficult and often inadequate,” says Professor Elena Wildow, director of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Institute at McMaster.

He noted that this discovery would bring new advances. (an organization)



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