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AP aims to eliminate measles and mumps based on vaccination results.


Visakhapatnam: India will have the second highest number of unvaccinated children in the world by 2023, with nearly 1.6 million children ‘unvaccinated’, says a recent UNICEF report.

But there is a bright spot here. Andhra Pradesh has always achieved commendable results in childhood immunization. The state aims to achieve 100 percent immunization coverage by 2023-24. Andhra Pradesh 2022-23%

This important trend will continue in 2023-2024, when the compliance rate will reach 101%. Even in the current financial year (2024-25), coverage has crossed 100 per cent by June 2024.  According to national data obtained by TOI in 2022, only a few states, including 5 states/UTs, reported 90-95 percent vaccination coverage.   Includes special coverage from Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh plans to eliminate measles and mumps in at least some districts by increasing vaccination coverage over the next few years.

Dr. National vaccination expert.David is a key figure in the Sustainable Development Goals on Immunization Coverage. Countries are effectively using the central government’s RCH portal to identify unvaccinated children and ensure universal coverage.   Community participation is largely voluntary except in some tribal areas.   Keep your vaccination days as Wednesday and Saturday and give at least 40 vaccinations.

However, Andhra Pradesh has taken a significant commitment and created special units to ensure that no one is left behind.

State immunization officials said the main benefit for Andhra Pradesh is to increase manpower for field work.

“While the national standard is 1 dose of ANM per 6,000 people, our state proudly claims 1 dose of ANM per 3,000 people. Seniors who have received all vaccinations and are following recommendations are considered fully immune.”

As part of the universal immunization program, the government provides vaccination against 12 vaccine-preventable diseases, including diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, childhood tuberculosis, rotavirus diarrhea, hepatitis, meningitis and pneumonia.

Andhra Pradesh’s extensive cold chain network, workers and district immunization centers have played a vital role in mass immunization against coronavirus in 2021 and beyond.

The state has mobilized 19,000 ANMs for the coronavirus vaccination program besides training Asha workers for additional support.



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