100 Day Study Plan for FMGE


Plan A(70/30):

Should be divided into:

*70 Days for Primary Coverage
*30Days for Revision

Primary Coverage(70):

※10 Days for each of the 4 Major Subjects(PSM,Gynaecology n Obstetrics,Surgery,Medicine),ie,40 days in Total
※2 Days for each of the remaining 15 Subjects

Plan B(70/30)

Should be divided into:

*70 Days for Primary Coverage
*30 Days for Revision

Primary Coverage(30/40):

※30 Days for the 4 Major Subjects(PSM,Gynaecology n Obstetrics,Surgery,Medicine).
✩Devote atleast 3 Hrs for each of the Major Subjects.
(4 X 3=12 Hrs per Day)
✩Please try to fulfill the Time quota of the day for each subject first.
Then if you can afford,pay more effort to any other subject.
✩Preferably,try to study only the 4 Major Subjects during this 30 Days.
※40 Days for the Remaining 15 Subjects
✩1.Psychiatry:2 Days
3.FSMT:2 Days
9.Radiology:1 Day
13.Orthopedics:1 Day
14.Anesthesiology:1 Day
15.ENT:1 Day
✩7 Days: cover the skipped/left topics of these 15 Subjects.

So, you can choose any 1 out of these 2 according to your wish.

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